Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 3: Blue Pipes

Day was good for the most part. Pretty hot and humid. Did full day of riding, then rolled into a gas station in Lewiston, ME around 5PM. Tried to start up Fred, but he wouldn't start. Pulled him over, gave him 2 hours to rest while we ate. Came back, and he started up but wouldn't idle. Had to keep RPMs above 3000 or he would die. He sounded horrible. Fred limped over to a motel (barely made it), and I put him to rest for the night. The ordeal heated up his exhaust so much that I blued his pipes. Ohh well. I hoped that he would maybe start in the morning when he's completely cooled down. I also suspect that Fred's ignition coil might be overheating (as an earlier mechanic had suggested).

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